2019 Fall Foliage

I always like to capture a few photos in our neighborhood as the leaves change color in the fall. I've started bringing my sons along to see if they will take interest in capturing their own photos. So far only Ethan has been interested in photographing leaves. Marcus is more interested in taking photos on trips and adventures that are more distant and varied.

24mm 1/100 1.8

24mm 1/100 1.8

24mm 1/100 1.8

24mm 1/100 1.8

24mm 1/100 1.8

24mm 1/100 1.8

All of these photos were taken with my handy Sony RX100 VA. It's what I carry when I don't use my Sony a6500. It's small, pocketable, takes 20MP photos, and blows the doors off a phone photo in nearly every way. It's always with me or safely tucked away in my Jeep if I need it. I hope you enjoy this small collection. I'm including a few that might seem redundant but I found them attractive for one reason or another.

24mm 1/40 1.8

24mm 1/40 1.8

24mm 1/80 1.8

24mm 1/80 1.8

24mm 1/30 2.2

24mm 1/30 2.2

24mm 1/60 1.8

24mm 1/60 1.8

24mm 1/30 1.8

24mm 1/30 1.8

24mm 1/30 1.8

24mm 1/30 1.8

24mm 1/30 1.8

24mm 1/30 1.8

24mm 1/30 1.8

24mm 1/30 1.8

24mm 1/30 1.8

24mm 1/30 1.8

24mm 1/30 1.8

24mm 1/30 1.8

24mm 1/30 1.8

24mm 1/30 1.8

24mm 1/30 1.8

24mm 1/30 1.8

24mm 1/30 1.8

24mm 1/30 1.8

24mm 1/30 1.8

24mm 1/30 1.8

Joshua RogersComment