My Prayer For Ethan

It's been a little over a year since we dedicated Ethan to the Lord and publicly vowed to do our part as his parents to raise him to become all that God wants him to be. I was looking through my Evernote notebooks today for a few notes and came across my prayer at his dedication.

Dear God,
We thank you for the gift of Ethan, to raise, his life to share, his mind to help mold. Let us never betray his trust, dampen his hope, or discourage his dreams. Help us, dear God, to help this child become all you mean him to be. Let your grace and love be near him and give him inner strength, peace, and patience for the journey you have for him. Please give us the courage, wisdom, and strength we need to lead him by word and example in the path of righteousness. We ask this in Your name, Amen.
I come across this prayer from time to time and recite it each time I do. I thought it was worth sharing. Maybe you will pray the same for your child tonight when you tuck them into bed.
